
There is one thing artists and designers have in common: we make use of creative tools. Whether that’s complex digital tools or a simple pencil and a sheet of paper; a walk around the block or a conceptual model: tools enable us to materialize our creativity, and give shape to the world. However, tools also have the capacity to shape ourselves and transform the way we think and act.

This website is a collection of stories about the tools we use and how they shape us. It is a living archive that celebrates the creative and transformative power of art and design.


Our aim is to record the ways creative ideas take shape in the first decades of the 21st century. And share these with as many people as possible. By creating links between all stories, we hope to find new connections and open up new pathways for creativity in the future. In that sense, this website is also a tool in itself: a tool about tools.

Disclaimer: at this moment (2022) all videos are recorded and uploaded by students of ArtEZ, University for the Arts. It is our ambition to open up this platform to students worldwide by 2025.