
3 questions, 3 minutes, 1 video

We ask you to share your personal perspective about the tools you use. You may do so by recording and uploading three videos, each with a duration of about 1 minute. The online editor on this page will stitch them together into one video with an approximate length of three minutes in total.

Here are the three questions:

  • What is your favourite tool and why?
  • How has this tool shaped your work?
  • How has this tool transformed you?

Show and tell, tell and show

We encourage you to be as creative as possible. You may just record yourself, using your smartphone or laptop camera (the ‘talking head’ format). But things will get much more interesting for everyone when you bring in objects, or point the camera to something you have made (or are currently making). For inspiration, take a look at some of the videos others uploaded or watch the instruction video below.

Instruction Video